Saturday, February 27, 2016

Catch up with our small cap outlook by Nigel Foo, Head Research of CIMB tomorrow!

27 Feb 2016


Dear Fellow Investor,

Driving all Assets Worldwide.

Below is the Brent Crude weekly futures price chart as of Friday 26 February 2016.

Notice how since September 2015 to January 2016 price has been marked down from USD 53 a barrel to as low as 27.30. Since then price has accumulated over the last 7 weeks to 35.43.

This is in the face of extreme fear, ultra-high volume, negative sentiment and an onslaught of bad news.

Based on Dow Theory, expect limited downside from present levels but a potential move to 47.50. There will be gut wrenching volatility so hold on to your stomach.

If a market refuses to go down on bad news, expect an upside surprise.

This should support stock and bond markets around the world as presently stock price correlate positively with oil prices.

On Friday, I attended a program by Sarjit Singh, a Singaporean who was an accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers for 16 years and the CFO for AIA for 5 years. The program was about playing detective with financial statements and identifying manipulation and fraud.  

I was surprised how much manipulation and trickery goes on in our publiclly listed companies and how many executives running companies are no more than hungry wolves in sheeps clothing.

Do take the effort to learn how financial statements are manipulated so you can avoid disasters for yourself, friends and family.

Sarjit is also on the Singapore Gvt committee of the future economy and shared his insights on Singapore going forward.    He confirmed my view that the collapse in the SGX was mostly due to the collapse in oil. The collapse was sentiment driven rather than fundamentally driven as presently there are many blue chip dividend payers trading at attractive valuations due to panic and fear selling by the uninformed.

He said Singapore is not in recession and the government is taking fiscal and interest rate measures to ease policy and stabilize the real estate/ stock market.

Visitor arrivals are also increasing.

The KLSE is stuck in a holding pattern waiting for catalysts. Continue to invest in quality companies with low debt, recurring income, increasing earnings and sustainable cash flows.

If you have time we are holding a small cap outlook by Nigel Foo, head of research for CIMB and a company briefing by a director of Eden Sdn Bhd at the UEM convention centre tomorrow, Sunday at starting at 9 30.

If interested please call Darren at 017 333 4333.

Invest well and grow your wealth



Saturday, February 20, 2016

Which door should you choose?

20 Feb 2016

Dear Fellow Investor,

Which door do you choose?

Most things in our life have 2 doors. Which door do you choose?  As an investor the yellow door represents popular convention and the establishment view.  In the KLSE that would represent safe and predictable shares such as Tenaga, Sime Darby, Telecom, YTL Power, Gas Malaysia, Maybank, Public Bank and most of the big cap GLCs.

These shares tend to follow the market trend.  If you are an equity fund manager and buy these shares, chances are if the KLSE goes up you will have positive performance, collect your performance bonus and keep your job.

If the KLSE underperforms, you shares   will probably lose value and you might not get a performance bonus.  However; you will not lose your job because the majority of your fellow fund managers will also not perform.

You will also have a good story to tell your clients. Who can fault you for buying Tenaga as everyone uses electricity or Gas Malaysia because almost everyone uses natural gas to cook?

Personally, I prefer the red door.  This is the unconventional door where you do not have to contend with the investment crowd. The shares you find behind the red door have less research coverage, are not on the radar list of the big fund managers and are not popular with the foreign funds. These shares are perceived to be risky but stock market history has proven this to be misleading. They are the most profitable.

Gervais Williams, fund manager of the year in the UK for the last 2 years and overall for the last 8 years has outperformed his peers and has been profitable even in down years by choosing the red door.

He wrote 2 classic books on why small outperforms big meaning small caps have done better than the conventional blue chips.  

2016 will be a challenging year and I recommend you select small/ mid cap shares. Stocks in companies with lots of cash and little or no debt. Companies with guaranteed contracts and leases and rents. Sellers of necessities with the ability to raise prices.

How to enter the red door:

Next week Sunday, 28 February Nigel Foo, Head of Research for CIMB will give a presentation on Small Cap KLSE shares. Below are the details:  We also have a corporate presentation by Mr Ting, director of Eden Bhd, a small cap  and a Volume Spread Analysis presentation by Martin Wong. (This is the red door method of technical analysis used by George Soros and this is not generally known as I luckily discovered it in a biography of him in a small hidden footnote and how he made billions short selling the UK pound.)


1. Nigel Foo (Cimb top small cap analyst) - Market Outlook 2016 and Beyond and Stock to watch out for.

2. Martin Wong (Creator of iVSAChart) -

3. Mr. Ting (Eden Berhad, Director)

Date: Feb 28, 2016. SUNDAY

Time: 9.30 am - 5 pm

Fees:  RM50 to cover lunch and refreshment.

Venue: UEM Training hall, Jalan Templer, Petaling Jaya (off Federal Highway)

Below is a stricken baby elephant hooked up to drip after vets rescue him in Indonesia

Its legs covered in thick mud, this elephant struggled to get free when one of its front legs got tangled up.

The baby was totally stuck – but vets came to the rescue at the Balairaja wildlife sanctuary in east central Sumatra where it lives.


1 good strategy which will be presented Sunday with small cap shares can help you profitably get through the tangle and mud traps in the KLSE.

Invest well and grow your wealth


Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy prosperous monkey new year!

8 Feb 2016

Dear Fellow Investor,

Do you bet on the horse or the jockey?  As a speculator in horse racing should you focus on the horse or the jockey ?  To put the odds in your favour you need both. An excellent jockey as well as a quality horse.

Companies are the same and the measure of management quality that I focus on is ROE or steady increasing return on equity over at least 5 years.  That shows stability, focus on profits and the ability to overcome adversity.

Malaysia has many world class business managers who have weathered the financial storms over the years.  You know who they are.

Malaysia also has a strong business culture which encourages risk taking.  Using our IVSA sector analysis screens we can find those industries and businesses which are growing- quality horses and those that are in decline – also ran horses or donkeys.

Volatility in world stock markets is at extremes last seen in August 2015.  .

We have focused on export stocks as well as some consumer stocks. We have avoided GLCs, construction, property developers, gambling counters, oil companies, REITS and  large cap debt laden shares.

We have also kept our small and mid-cap shares with rock solid balance sheets and with steady sales and earnings.  Our cash levels are also high. Once the turn comes we will be well positioned to profit.

What is holding  markets back ? In a nutshell the oil price and China uncertainty.  The 1MBD problem is yesterday’s news.

I am not worried about China. China has the financial resources to weather the financial storms.  They talk with their money as evidenced by the 1MBD bailout and the recent offer to buy Shell Refining.

They use their reserves to build infrastructure, buy productive assets and grow their domestic economy.    They build win business partnerships with African/ Asian/ Middle Eastern countries rather than destroy them by war.

 I disagree with the talking heads on Bloomberg and CNBC who are universally negative on China.  The same is true for oil.  Some establishment analysts are calling for oil to collapse to USD 10 per barrel or lower.

Below is a contrary view by Dr Kent Moors a geologist and oil analyst:  He feels that much of the oil price collapse is caused by manipulation by the US media and the US government who control the US futures markets via the Federal   Reserve and Treasury department with their unlimited funds to naked short futures contracts.

Do have a happy and prosperous Monkey New Year,



 A winning combo !

The $600 Million Signal that the Oil Crunch is Over

by DR. KENT MOORS | published FEBRUARY 5TH, 2016

Pundits just missed a $600 million signal that oil’s downward slide is over.

You see, oil “sages” everywhere are now calling for $40-$50 a barrel oil by mid-year. As proof, they call on vague rumors of a Saudi-Russia deal to cut oil production, costly shale oil producers collapsing, or the energy debt crisis.

But they’re overlooking one crucial thing – the main signal that oil prices are turning around.

You see, the largest move of its kind ever just took place in oil markets… $600 million worth in one day.

Pundits may have missed it, but that doesn’t mean you have to. It’s a clear sign that oil prices are turning around…

And that it’s time for you to get back in the game…

Oil Prices Are Artificially Deflated – For Now

While volatility in oil prices continues, a consensus is rising that the current slide is nearing its end. Daniel Yergin yesterday was the latest “sage” to say he expected crude in the range of $40-$50 a barrel by mid-year.

Of course, that still puts the price at less than half of where it stood in the summer of 2014, just before the collapse set in.

My algorithm to determine the “discount” on oil caused by distorting artificial manipulation puts it at $12 a barrel at close yesterday for WTI (the benchmark for oil futures contracts traded in New York).

With WTI closing yesterday at $31.72 a barrel, that effectively puts the actual market price at a shade below $44. That’s hardly $70 or $80, but it will allow us to make some nice gains when buying returns in earnest to a distinctly oversold sector.

And return it will.

Because a singular event happened this week, an event that indicates the end of declining oil prices more than any other…

This $600 Million Signal Shows That Oil Is Going Up

Despite what the pundits will tell you, this is not about a Russian-Saudi agreement to cut production, a wave of domestic company collapses in the above-cost shale operating sector in the U.S., or the expected next phase of a constriction in high risk energy debt.

While all of these are factors that are likely to be weighing in shortly, the main signal came earlier this week from something else entirely.

This is an indicator I have been watching for a while. And it shows how negatively trades that have little to do with the underlying dynamics of oil have influenced crude prices.

On Tuesday, the sale of a huge position in the VelocityShares 3x Inverse Crude Oil ETN (NYSEArca:DWTI) hit, amounting to more than 1.8 million shares with a total value of over $600 million. Given the delay in transmission, these orders were actually filed on Monday.

WTI then spiked 8% on Wednesday.

An ETN, or exchange-traded note, operates much the same way as an exchange-traded fund (ETF). Both will track an index or equivalent. DWTI, for example, is pegged to the S&P GSCI Crude Oil Index ER and provides a three-time inverse return. That means that if oil goes down, the ETN will go up three times as much.

However, there is one crucial difference…

This Was the Largest ETN Move Ever in One Day

While an ETF provides a return based on the underlying performance of the stocks in an index, an ETN is actually an unsecured, unsubordinated debt security meant to combine the performance of a bond with that of an index.

An inverse over-weighted ETN like DWTI will be highly volatile when the underlying investment instrument fluctuates widely in price.

Remember, DWTI will return a reverse that is roughly three times the movement in oil. If oil prices are declining, DWTI will make a holder some nice cash quick.

On the other hand, when oil is advancing, the losses can quickly add up.

DWTI doubled in value rapidly last month as the price of oil declined. But it has been declining in value over the past several days as crude oil has advanced. It is still up over 20% for 2016 as a whole.

Following this rise in oil, and fall in DWTI – remember, three times as large – an unknown number of heavy players bailed out this week in one of the largest coordinated withdrawals from an ETN ever recorded in a single day, valued at $600 million.

Whatever else is happening, these players have clearly concluded the decline in oil is over.

Now, a move of this size has significant ripple effects…

Less Than Half of This Bearish ETN is Left

Using data provided on the VelocityShares’ website, the overall market cap of DWTI declined from over $1 billion to less than $420 million on Tuesday and less than $325 million on Wednesday as a result of the large liquidation.

Given that DWTI’s market cap averaged about $200 million when the oil pricing curve was less volatile, this provides stark evidence that the anticipation of a downward movement in prices is a recent phenomenon.

But that’s not all. The $600 million redemption that hit on Tuesday also had another effect…

Positive Effects for the Price of Oil Are Spreading

Credit Suisse, a Swiss financial services company, is the issuer of record for DWTI. They also issue a “sister” ETN, the VelocityShares 3x Long Crude Oil ETN(NYSEArca:UWTI), which moves in the same direction as oil, three times as fast.

As our mystery oil players were redeeming $600 million worth of shares in DWTI, Credit Suisse was forced to buy back any short positions it was carrying – rapidly.

That, in turn, emphasized the decline in DWTI’s market cap, providing additional fuel for a further rise in crude prices. This led to some rather pronounced spikes in trading volume of crude oil futures contracts.

The most intriguing element of this story, however, illustrates just how much pressure artificial moves to keep oil down can exert. On Wednesday, crude prices rose by 8%, completely ignoring what would normally have been news pushing prices down.

You see, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) on Wednesday reported that weekly oil supplies had increased by a hefty 7.8 million barrels. A surge in oil inventories of that size normally pushes oil prices down significantly.

Instead, exactly the opposite took place.

That shows just how undersold the oil market has been, and the force behind oil’s upward pressure now that some of these artificial moves to keep oil down are lifting.