Saturday, August 20, 2016

Is the market oversold or overbought? Lets join my talk on next Sunday

Dear Fellow Investor,

The below illustration of this industrial oven gives a good indication of money flow.


One of my clients is in the business of manufacturing  these ovens.

He has a full order book and recently won a large contract to produce these ovens for both local and overseas markets. In a bidding contest he beat a world leader in ovens from Germany. 

Why was he able to win the bid ?  Some of the reasons include low labor costs,  low land costs,  low taxes and minimal government regulation. Many companies in Malaysia fit this profile.

When we look for companies which produce quality goods at a competitive  price, earning revenues in  a diversified basket of currencies we may have found a winner.

This is despite the onslaught of media negativity, gloom and doom and pessimism overhanging the KLSE.   

Malaysia is still a good place to do business if you are  business savvy.

Of course we must do our homework which includes examination of their financials, company visits, dividend policy, debt/equity return on equity and the technical position in the market.  (Is the market oversold or overbought?) .

Next Sunday we will be holding our  market outlook conference and I will speak about these investment opportunities. Please click on the below link. There is a small fee to a cover the lunch and 2 tea breaks.

Invest well and grow your wealth,


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