Saturday, December 17, 2016

2017 is coming, Merry Xmas & Happy Prosperous New Year

17 Dec 2016

Dear Fellow Investor,

We wish all of you a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year

What’s in store for 2017 ?

2017 will be a continuation of 2016.  The list of fears and uncertainties include Brixit, Donald Trump impact on markets, the US Federal Reserve interest rate policies, unemployment in most of the developed world, deflation, inflation, financial bubbles, stock overvaluation, political uncertainties, bond collapse world wide etc. This will create up and down volatility. 

Over 15 trillion equivalent USD has been printed world wide and placed in equities, property and bonds because low and negative interest rates have forced investors into speculative assets.

All of these issues magnify volatility and create massive price swings in the market. Media talking heads on Bloomberg and CNBC incite fear and panic creating more volatility.   

The focus of 2017 will be Federal Reserve watching. When will they raise rates ? This will keep the markets on edge and increase volatility.

How do we survive in this environment ?  Keep calm, focus on quality companies that have a history of rising dividends. Understand what you are investing in. Make sure they have quality management with a proven track record.  

By reviewing their financials you can know that they have  sustainable earnings and growth, low or no debt and increasing cash flow.

In 2017 we will be visiting  companies in Singapore/ Malaysia to find opportunities and meet these criteria .  We have a few on our radar screen that fit.

From 19- 26 December, I will be in Vietnam on holiday and for 1 investment briefing on the Vietnam market but I will check my email every evening for any  questions or issues you might have. 

You may call Linda, Nora or Idza, at our customer service at 03 2783 0300 for administrative questions or  Ashley/ Jeffrey at our dealing desk  03 2166 8099.

Invest well and grow your wealth,



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