Saturday, January 7, 2017

Great entry opportunities if world market correction spills over to Asia

7 January 2016

Dear Fellow Investor,

Last night, I placed an investment with TD Ameritrade Singapore to add to my Apple share position.

Apple has been slowly advancing against a wall of negative  news:  China, US Apple I phone sales are slowing, lack of innovation, Apple watch flop, Apple self drive car venture floundering, Tim Cook’s compensation package reduced due to underperformance, tax issues with the European Union, Trump uncertainty etc.

In the face of the Apple doom and gloom, Berkshire fund of Warren Buffet as well as other institutions continues to add positions.

How do I know this ? Our Bloomberg work station alerts us in real time by placing green and red triangles at buying and selling points by insiders on the price charts. 

Money talks. It pays to listen. I listened and placed my order.  After placing the order, I went to the order page to check the fill price. I was shocked to see that I had placed a short trade ( A bet that the price would fall)

Immediately, I called the help line and was routed to Chicago to talk with an Ameritrade  dealer named Cris. 

It was my mistake as the Ameritrade Think or swim dealing platform has been  very challenging for me to master . ( It took me a few months and much pain to even master the smart phone) I had hit the sell rather than the buy tab.  

Cris quickly reversed the position and said he would not charge me commission/ slippage.  By the end of the day Apple was in the money.  Cris sent me a link to video tutorials to master the Think or Swim platform. 

Cris Marshall the dealer was very helpful and this is why if you wish to trade US shares, open an account with TD Ameritrade Singapore. Great service. 

I asked him his view on the American market and how  Trump may effect markets.
As an experienced  trader, Cris is in a real time environment so I respect his view. He said the Chicago traders almost all supported and voted for Trump. 

As a socialist, Marxist,  Obama is anti- free markets and has imposed many onerous regulations on the US stock and futures markets. This has hurt the trader’s pocketbooks and hurt businesses who list their stocks on the exchange.   

NYSE Traders on the NYSE manipulating price. As a fund manager/ broker In Malaysia you can be fined, bared  and jailed for front running. 
Trump has vowed to scrap the Obama financial rules and this is one reason most world stock markets are going up. If Hillary had won, short selling would have been the best strategy.  She would have put more restrictions on markets. She had also said she would increase the capital gains tax- a real bummer for investors. 

Cris also cautioned to be very mindful of the index trends and advised me to master the risk management schemes on the Ameritrade trading platform. He expects a correction as there is too much euphoria in the current move.   Trump has promised but not delivered yet. 

If this world market correction spills over to Asia, it could give us great entry opportunities. For this reason, please keep some of your po
wder dry. IVSA will help you find opportunities. There are some excellent shares waiting for buyers in the KLSE. Look for export related stocks with solid financials. Be patient and disciplined.

Invest well and grow your wealth,

Hillary tried to reverse the election in the courts by blaming the Russians who she claimed hacked into her emails revealing her crooked dealings and corruption. Her tactic failed and Trump is now confirmed by the US electoral college yesterday   to be the next US president.  

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