Saturday, February 4, 2017

Reasons for optimism

4 Feb 2017

Dear Fellow Investor,

There are reasons for optimism.  Growth is returning to Singapore, Japan, Asia  and the US.

Inflation is slowly rising. Commodity prices are recovering from a 5 year bear market.  Selected banking shares in Singapore/ Malaysia are recovering.  

The banking index traded on the NYSE  has gone up over 17 % since Trump won the election ($KBX) Banks lead the economy as they lend money to businesses which create growth, opportunity and wealth. They profit by helping others to get rich. 

This is a worldwide phenomena except for Europe as Europe is ruled by the socialist, anti business,  central planners. They punish wealth and reward laziness.

Trump is now in the process of dismantling the Dodd-Frank regulations which were put in place by Obama to massively regulate and restrain US banks- (over 8000 pages of regulations)  and restrict their business activities. Trump wants to reduce the 8000 pages of regulations to 80 pages.

These regulations have made it difficult for small businesses, like Mr Wu’s restaurant below to  create wealth and jobs.

Manhattan culinary staple China Fun shutters, blaming government over-regulation

For 25 years, China Fun was renowned for its peerless soup dumplings and piquant General Tso’s chicken.
What left a bad taste in the mouths of its owners and loyal patrons was the restaurant’s sudden Jan. 3 closing, blamed by management on suffocating government demands.
“The climate for small businesses like ours in New York have become such that it’s difficult to justify taking risks and running — nevermind starting — a legitimate mom-and-pop business,” read a letter posted by the owners in the restaurant’s front door.
“The state and municipal governments, with their punishing rules and regulations, seems to believe that we should be their cash machine to pay for all that ails us in society.
The Second Ave. restaurant became a beloved local mainstay, with customers bemoaning its unexpected disappearance. The Daily News hailed the soup dumplings as the best on the Upper East Side in 2015.
Mr Wu above is an example of tens of thousands of small business in the US who were forced to close their doors due to over regulation, high taxes and the socialist anti business  policies of Obama/ Hillary and their ilk.
The 12 % rise in the S & P since the US election shows that people are anticipating good things to come .  A new sheriff is in town. Trump is a man of business who takes solid action without much talk.

Weekly chart of EWS, an ETF traded on the NYSE that has a basket of the highest quality blue chip Singapore shares. Notice the head and shoulder bottom and emerging  positive bullish trend. Singapore is not sinking into the sea as the pessimists have been saying.

Even though Singapore is 9532 miles from New York, the Trump bull has emerged. Banks are leading the charge.

When will the Trump bull come to Malaysia ?   Its already here if you are a careful stock picker and focus on value companies with low debt, increasing earnings and cash flow, with honest share holder focused management.

There are certain technology, export and commodity related companies which qualify.  This requires company visits and understanding of the business.  There are opportunities in Malaysia but you need to do your homework. If you do not have the time to research these opportunities, give me a call or email me and I will help you.

Invest well and grow your wealth,
Bill 012 685 1207

I visit the Negara Zoo regularly to relax. It is a good place to generate investment ideas . Just sitting in the shade on a bench with your lunch and a cold drink, enjoying the peaceful quiet surroundings, the exotic animals and magnificent  greenery  will put you into a relaxed, stress free state. Make sure you turn off your hand phone. Bring a good investment book.  

There is a new sheriff in town.

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