Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My Taiwan Trip

Dear Fellow Investors,

Dolly and  I will be away from 13 to 19 April to visit Taiwan.   Besides visiting some interesting tourist sites in Taipei, I will be researching a stock opportunity for our PGWA clients.

We have booked a private guide/ car  and set a specific agenda as our time is limited and we have no desire to visit tourists traps such as high priced pearls, jade, herbal products etc.

Should you have questions on your account  please call Fund Managers Jeffry/ Richard or Ashley @ 03 2166 0998 . Admin questions you may call Linda/ Nora/ Idza @ 03  2783 0300.

I will check my emails/ whats ap if you wish to contact me.  Taiwan is one of most wired countries in the world.

I expect the market to consolidate in the next few days as the Trump rally digests its gains. Your shares in accounts under our management are high quality, value  companies that won't be much affected  no matter what Trump/ Putin  say. They are sleep at night type of shares that pay steady dividends. 

Invest Well and Grow Your Wealth


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