Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2017

27 June 2017

Dear Fellow Investor,

Volvo according to Road and Track magazine  is the safest car in the world.

There have been numerous documented Volvo cases of drivers/ passengers being able to walk away from a head on collision with only minor or no injuries.

Volvo is not a sexy, fast,  fashionable car but it gets you from point A to B in a reliable safe way. They are durable, comfortable and spacious. What if you were driving a Porsche and had a head on collision ?

The Volvo is a metaphor for value investing. The Porsche is a metaphor for momentum investing.

Value investing if applied with discipline has the potential to earn steady safe returns over time and protect you from market and individual share crashes.

As value investors, we emerged with only minor losses in the 3 year market down turn and are now in profit with the 2017 recovery.

Are we headed for higher highs or a major correction ?

Please read Mr Tong’s column on page 12 in the 26 June Edge to answer this question. He presents both sides of this question in an objective format.

Mr Tong has performed well since he incepted his portfolio in 2014. 

He is a value investor and buys shares off the radar screen rather than popular crowd favourites.   

He is currently 90 % invested in his portfolio which he shares in his column.  

In this business do not ask an analyst’s opinion, ask his position. His position speaks for itself  Money talks. And his portfolio is suggesting the bull will continue..

By the way Volvo was bought out by Geely . Geely adopted the Volvo safety technology and now Geely is advertised as the Safe car and is the fastest selling car in China. 

Most ordinary Chinese like safety rather than fashion. 

I am positive on the Proton alliance with Geely. if Geely incorporates the Volvo safety features into the Proton it will prove positive for sales and profit.

Invest well and Grow  . Your Wealth

A Rocky Mountain caribou which roams from Colorado to Alaska.
It is highly endangered.

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