Sunday, September 10, 2017

Value represents assets while growth represents ideas. 

10 Sept 2017
Dear Fellow Investor,

A  tragic but ultimately   bullish event happened last week in Texas.  

This hardy Texas dog knows how to survive. without help. Hurricane Harvey destroyed over 100,000 homes and billions of dollars of infrastructure but  in the crises lies opportunity.  

Trump joined with the Democrat leadership (opposition party)  to raise the debt ceiling for 3 months to avoid a government shutdown and release over 10 billion in aid to the Hurricane Harvey victims. 

Even the liberal democrats, socialists and Trump haters could not refuse life saving aid in the face of misery and suffering. 

They put their ideology aside for the greater good.
This is evidence of Trump willing to meet with the opposition and compromise rather than taking a hard line stance.  

It could mean there will be progress in reducing taxes for individuals and corporations, providing funds for rebuilding infrastructure and building the Mexican border wall to keep out the drug dealers, criminals, terrorists and illegals  

Trump’s leadership and expertise in infrastructure and property development  his shined.

His response to Hurricane Harvey  and the debt ceiling has resulted in a jump in his approval ratings from the low 20’s to over 45 %.

This will boost stock markets world wide.  It will boost commodities and companies linked to building and development. Even gold and silver have caught a bid and awakening from a 5 year bear market.

Lets continue to focus on value stocks that offer growth. Value represents assets while growth represents ideas.   I like a combination of both.

Invest well and grow your wealth

Today’s ‘critter’ is the Patagonian mara…a relatively large rodent…and somewhat rabbit-like animal that is found in open and semi-open habitats in Argentina. The KLCC Aquaria has a similar animal.

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