Sunday, April 15, 2018

Why Trump reversed course

15 April 2018
Dear Fellow Investor,
The media hysteria is now 24/7 on Syria and potential increased Middle East conflict . Trade issues have taken a back seat as China and the US have toned down their rhetoric and appear to be finding agreement.
Trump even wants to join the TTP which would be bullish for Asian market trade. particularly Singapore and Malaysia. Trump when he was elected pulled out of the TTP but now he realizes he needs the votes of the US farmers in the upcoming mid term elections who benefit from farm exports and the implementation of the TTP
This is why Trump reversed course. He wants to keep power.
After 3 years of consolidation commodities are coming back to life.
The CRB Index  holds a basket of world commodities

Since June 2017 the CRB has been in a slow and steady up trend. Crude oil, precious and base metals are leading the charge.
It might pay to accumulate quality Australian resource companies. On my recent trip to Adelaide,  I found some opportunities and do contact me if interested.

The KLSE top 100 shares have held up while the broad market has suffered. This is why I have focused on only the top quality shares for income and safety. They are our port in the financial storm.
Once the election is over and if BN retains power my forecast is market recovery. Foreign money will return and the uncertainty is removed. Uncertainty is a market killer.   
In the meantime please follow our defensive strategy.
Invest well and grow your wealth,

Today’s critter is the white-tailed deer -- and that -- and their ears -- are the most obvious distinguishing feature between it and the mule deer.  It's a medium-sized deer native to the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America as far south as Peru and Bolivia. It has also been introduced to New Zealand, Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Lesser Antilles, and some countries in Europe, such as Finland and the Czech Republic. 

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