Monday, May 28, 2018

Putting a tuxedo on a monkey does not change the fact it is a monkey.

28 May  2018
Dear Fellow Investor,
Despite the volatility last week our shares were not much affected. Over all our portfolio value increased.  Many of the GLCs and construction shares held by most funds and individuals were hit as foreign funds exited the market. We hold none of these shares.
On a positive note, the local institutions and retailers continue to absorb the foreign sellers. Last week over RM  1 billion was bought by retailers and 1.4 billion was bought by local institutions. This shows confidence in the new government by the locals.
Most of the bad news is coming out in the open as Dr M, the new sheriff in town  seeks out the truth and hunts down the crooks.

K9 Belgian shepherd catching a purse snatcher (not shown)
Healing takes time. Imagine if you fall into a drain and sprain your ankle. With proper care it should take  a few months to heal. If the body is strong, the healing will be faster. I know this from experience. While on holiday to Shanghai 3 years ago, I fell into a drain and twisted my ankle. The initial pain was intense but with acupuncture and soaking in a herbal solution, my ankle recovered. It took over 6 months to completely recover.  I think the Malaysian economy will recover faster because:  
The fundamentals of Malaysia are strong and with a free press, a parliament with more oversight and a more independent court, Malaysia will heal. Just give it time.   The PKR will demand it. We should see greater transparency and accountability. The truth and facts will come out.
Putting a tuxedo on a monkey does not change the fact it is a monkey. Now the facts are coming out and we will know the truth.

Cutting the GST on 1 June will immediately boost consumer spending and this will benefit our consumer shares. Mall traffic is picking up. Auto sales and travel related industries will be boosted. Finance shares will benefit as confidence builds. Even property might start to recover. Never underestimate the power of confidence.    
Invest well and grow your wealth,
Today’ critter is a Canada goose.  They are slow flyers but can travel 1000s of miles when they migrate.  

Monday, May 21, 2018

Let’s move on and focus on the future.

21 May  2018
Dear Fellow Investor,
As mentioned in last week’s election report my forecast for our equity holdings was positive and since DR M won the election the result was positive for our shares. They all went up.
That is the past so let’s move on and focus  on the future.
The Background
The background world wide is rising interest rates, rising synchronized world growth and rising inflation.
The chart represents the 20 year short US T Bond. It is in an uptrend as price is trading above the 50 day weekly moving average. It shows that interest rates are rising.
As interest rates in the US rise, the price of this fund rises. This ETF is significant as the 20 year T Bond is the benchmark for interest rates world wide.

TBF Pro Shares  Short 20 Year US T Bonds
In addition to rising interest rates, the world is experiencing synchronized growth and rising inflation.
This will benefit our banking stocks both in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong.
It means net interest margins are rising as well as well as net interest income. These are the 2 metrics banking analysts follow.
I feel very positive for our shares and Malaysia moving forward. The sentiment because of the election results has dramatically shifted. Most Malaysians are smiling – even the taxi man.
I will be buying more banking and value shares for our clients and myself.
Invest well and grow your wealth
Today’s critter is a polar bear from the arctic. A few months ago we visited a museum in Lankawi in which there were a collection of live arctic animals brought in by Dr M for the benefit of the people. I remember a  polar bear about 12 feet tall. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

US Dollar continues to strengthen

16 June 2018
Dear Fellow Investor,

To all our Muslim friends and clients we wish you a peaceful and happy Hari Raya holiday.
Last week I reported on the strengthening US Dollar and how that will impact our investments .
This week, the US Dollar continues to strengthen as money flows out of some of the developing markets including Argentina, Mexico, Indonesia, India and Philippines .  
Why is the USD strengthening ?
Out of control deficits and spending in the US is the main reason so in order to attract funds to cover the deficits the US Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates. Rising interest rates  attracts much needed funds. Fed rate hikes plus Quantitative Tightening is draining hundreds of billions out of emerging markets and those funds are going into the USD. Money always flows to where it gets the best return.
Solid blue chip Singapore, Hong Kong, US and Malaysian companies with rising earnings, recurring revenue and reliable cash flow will continue to prosper and these companies are somewhat insulated from the currency volatility. The undervalued Ringgit has stabilized after the shock Malaysian election result while the Sing Dollar has actually gone up versus the USD.  
We will continue to focus on established value companies with low or no debt. This will allow us to ride out the Donald Trump induced trade war volatility and continue to collect our dividends.  
 Invest well and grow your wealth
This week’s critter is a Maine Coon, the world’s largest cat.

The Maine Coon is a native New 
Englander where he was a popular 
mouser, farm cat and, most likely, 
ship's cat! The good-natured  Maine Coons are the largest domestic cats in the world. Despite their size, they are known 
as gentle giants because of their relaxed 
and easy-going personality. 

Saturday, May 12, 2018

14th General Election

12 May  2018

Dear Fellow Investor,
My election forecast was wrong however; our shares should not be effected much.
We hold no cement, construction, property development or  GLC companies   We chose HL Bank rather than  CIMB and Kim Loong Plantation rather than Sime Darby. With the weakening of the Ringitt, our tech stocks such as Uchi and Inari as well as rubber glove maker Kossan should benefit. With the abolishing of GST, our consumer stocks such as Heim/ Carlsberg/ and F & N should perform.
Our focus has always been on less popular, less liquid shares off the radar screen of the big funds. These go down less in a panic and recover faster when the dust settles.  

Daily chart of EWM traded on the NYSE.
EWM is an ETF with high quality blue chip Malaysian shares. While Malaysia sleeps, EWM trades in New York and after the shock election results EWM plunged over 7 ½ %.
After the panic selling, EWM recovered with a loss of about 3 %
Top Holdings of EWM

These are high quality blue chip shares.They are similar to the shares we hold for you with the difference being they are popular with the big funds and the investment crowd. 
With the peaceful transition from the BN to the PKR and the positive popular sentiment, our market should now trade based on fundamentals and correlation with other Asian markets. The election result removed a major uncertainty that has held us back. Markets hate uncertainty more than bad news.  
Invest well and grow your wealth,

Today's 'critter' is quite the dandy.  It's the Indian paradise flycatcher -- and the male of the species would be hard to mistake for anything else.  "Males have elongated central tail feathers, and a black and rufous plumage in some populations, while others have white plumage. Females are short-tailed with rufous wings and a black head. They feed on insects, which they capture in the air often below a densely canopied tree."  Click to enlarge.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

14th General Election is coming soon.

6 May 2018
Dear Fellow Investor,

The Background
If we trade or invest we need to know the environment we are dealing in.  We need to know the trends that are behind the market movements which help us to allocate our capital and put the odds in our favour.
Some of you have asked me my opinion about the up coming 14 GE and how it will affect our investments. As an odds player, my bet is that BN will win. My forecast is based on underlying market trends.
That would include MGS bond spreads, foreign fund inflows/ outflows, KLCI futures premiums/ discounts and the RM exchange rates. They all indicate business as usual. Nothing dramatic. Malaysia continues to grow and develop while there are jobs for all who wish to work and opportunities for those who are business minded. Most Malaysians are happy with that.
The election will pass but what matters is the background.
The background includes rising oil prices, rising commodity prices, rising interest rates and  rising inflation world wide.
Companies could borrow at cheap rates in 2009 because of the world financial crises and the authorities pushed interest rates to zero but now as economies recover, rates are going up. Many high growth companies who borrowed too much are beginning to be squeezed. Those companies who are established with low debt, rising dividends, increasing revenue and cash flow are well positioned. I consider these companies to be the Generals. Examples include Gamuda, Sime Darby, F & N, and Public Bank.  In Singapore it would be OCBC Bank, SGX, SATS, Thai Beverage and HK Land.

Napoleon leading the charge to conquer Russia. Eventually most of his soldiers were slaughtered and only he and his generals  were lucky to escape. The same is true in markets.  Highly leveraged, small caps die first. The generals live to continue the fight.
We recently had a big drop in small and mid cap Malaysia shares. These shares are called the soldiers.  This is a warning that the background is changing to a new reality. The soldiers are dropping off and what is left are the generals. This phenomena is happening world wide.
For now we focus on the generals which are our port in the storm.
Invest well and grow your wealth

Today's 'critter' is the Java sparrow, or Java finch.  It's about 15-17 cm in length from the beak to its tip of tail feathers. The adult is unmistakable, with its grey upper parts and breast, pink belly, white-cheeked black head, red eye-ring, pink feet and thick red bill .

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Looking for new home for 2 young pups

Dear Fellow Investors,

One of our clients wishes to find a home for 2  active and eager young pups.

Female with light orange tint & Male sibling with grayish/blue undertone.

If any of you have an interest please contact me.

Have a happy labor day