Saturday, May 12, 2018

14th General Election

12 May  2018

Dear Fellow Investor,
My election forecast was wrong however; our shares should not be effected much.
We hold no cement, construction, property development or  GLC companies   We chose HL Bank rather than  CIMB and Kim Loong Plantation rather than Sime Darby. With the weakening of the Ringitt, our tech stocks such as Uchi and Inari as well as rubber glove maker Kossan should benefit. With the abolishing of GST, our consumer stocks such as Heim/ Carlsberg/ and F & N should perform.
Our focus has always been on less popular, less liquid shares off the radar screen of the big funds. These go down less in a panic and recover faster when the dust settles.  

Daily chart of EWM traded on the NYSE.
EWM is an ETF with high quality blue chip Malaysian shares. While Malaysia sleeps, EWM trades in New York and after the shock election results EWM plunged over 7 ½ %.
After the panic selling, EWM recovered with a loss of about 3 %
Top Holdings of EWM

These are high quality blue chip shares.They are similar to the shares we hold for you with the difference being they are popular with the big funds and the investment crowd. 
With the peaceful transition from the BN to the PKR and the positive popular sentiment, our market should now trade based on fundamentals and correlation with other Asian markets. The election result removed a major uncertainty that has held us back. Markets hate uncertainty more than bad news.  
Invest well and grow your wealth,

Today's 'critter' is quite the dandy.  It's the Indian paradise flycatcher -- and the male of the species would be hard to mistake for anything else.  "Males have elongated central tail feathers, and a black and rufous plumage in some populations, while others have white plumage. Females are short-tailed with rufous wings and a black head. They feed on insects, which they capture in the air often below a densely canopied tree."  Click to enlarge.

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