Sunday, July 8, 2018

Phillip Capital 9th Investment Conference

8 July 2018
Dear Fellow Investor,
I thank all of you who attended our Phillip Capital Investment Conference 2018.  I hope you found clarification to the market uncertainties such as Trump’s trade war, rising interest rates, rising oil prices and the collapse of many GLCs.  
Mr Ang our CIO gave a bullish outlook for Malaysia post election. The ministers Dr M appointed will plug the money leaks and cut the corruption  to put the country on a firm economic footing. This will in time attract foreign funds to Malaysia and possible rating upgrades.  
Royce Tan, professional futures trading gave a rousing presentation on futures trading. The takeaway for us as value investors was his slide of a giant great white shark . His advice was to trade with the sharks. Sharks are the metaphor for smart money or insiders. When I buy a share for your portfolios I always confirm with smart money accumulation found on the Bloomberg work station.

All the speakers spoke about the Trump trade war. The consensus view was that Trump will back down as he does not want to risk losing power should US stocks take a dive caused by China trade retaliation. I totally agree.  He won’t go too far and his flip flopping is a negotiating tactic.
Dr Nazri Khan shared his thoughts on KLSE sectors to benefit  in the months ahead. He likes soft infrastructure as Dr M encourages these sectors such as education, health care and consumer stocks.  His advice was to buy hot stocks in the hottest sectors but have an exit strategy. He mentioned that technology firm Cisco went from 10 cents to 100 USD before it collapsed in the 1999 internet bubble.   An alert investor with a disciplined exit strategy would have captured the bulk of the profit.
Invest well and grow your wealth,

Today's 'critter' is the golden pheasant, or Chinese pheasant. It is native to forests in mountainous areas of western China, but feral populations have been established in at least a dozen other countries throughout the world.  The male is unmistakable.  

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