Saturday, August 25, 2018

Expect a follow thru KLSE rally

25 August 2018
Dear Fellow Investor,
On Friday night Malaysia time , EWM the Malaysian county fund ETF traded on the NYSE had a solid 1.4 %bein rally. EWM has an exposure to quality blue chip Malaysian shares including Maybank, Public Bank, and Genting Malaysia. Expect a follow thru KLSE rally on Monday .   
This positive move in the EWM shows renewed confidence in Malaysia by foreigners and US based investors. I believe in the price chart more than the opinions and fake news of market commentators.
Price on the EWM closed above the 200 day moving average which is the line in the sand between the bulls and the bears. The 200 day moving average is a fact and not an opinion..
For long term consistent returns consider shares with predictable recurring revenues, expanding market opportunities, financial resilience, easy to understand business, and a competitive moat. The shares we choose for you fit these criteria. We have survived corrections, slowdowns, election and currency turmoil, Donald Trump rhetoric, trade fears, geopolitical uncertainty by following this simple formula. By the way this formula is not from me but from Warren Buffet.  
If you wish to follow the EWM and US shares you may access It is FOC and offers bar as well as candle charts. You can overlay volume, technical indicators and moving averages.
Invest well and grow your wealth
Critters of the week – the bull and the donkey
This cartoon refers to the US 2008 mid term elections, to be held on 6 November. The opposition party the Democrats whose mascot is the donkey favour socialism, big government, open borders, and massive entitlement spending while the Donald Trump’s Republican’s favour free markets, border controls and capitalism.  

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