Saturday, May 4, 2019

A low volatility solid blue chip dividend shares

4  May 2019
Dear Fellow Investor,
On Friday,  the monthly US jobs report was released and US markets advanced strongly on a drop in the unemployment rate to 3.6 % from 3.8 %,  (a 49  year low) wages rose 3 % and Trump’s approval according to Rasmussen polls rose to over 50 %.
The Asian market country fund ETFs which trade on the NYSE rose strongly anticipating strong Asian markets next week.
EWM, the Malaysian country fund rose 1.13 %,  EWS, the Singapore country fund rose 1.04 % and  EWH, the Hong Kong country fund rose 1.42 %
These are substantial moves as these etfs focus on low volatility solid blue chip dividend shares.
Surprisingly, the US dollar index fell which should add to Asian market gains.
Just as Donald Trump is doing the right things for the US economy, DR M is also making the right moves  . It was announced that substantial sums missing from 1MBD  are being returned to Malaysia from Singapore and the US. He is also approaching Switzerland, UK and other countries to recover missing money.
Dr M like Donald Trump has business savvy and knows how to put deals together. Lets prey to God for him to maintain his strength to continue the positive momentum.    
The most important thing he is doing is building positive relations with China that will benefit all parties. This is shown by a gradual rise in selected KLSE   plantation and construction shares
Tuesday, Next week, I am attending a briefing by a prominent banking analyst and will keep you posted on relevant  take a ways . For the Malaysian economy to recover the banks must recover.  Across the bridge, Singapore banks are beginning to recover. Our OCBC  holdings are performing well which should spill over to our Singapore REIT holdings. 
Invest well and grow your wealth
 Critter of the weeks is a best of friends picture :

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