Saturday, August 24, 2019

A series of Trump tweets.

24 August   2019
Dear Fellow Investor,
On Friday, the Dow Jones dropped 623 points on fear induced panic selling initiated by a series of Trump tweets. These tweets announced increased tariffs on China goods. The Chinese retaliated by setting increased agricultural tariffs in Trump swing states which are crucial for Trump to win in the 2020 elections.

To put things in a longer term perspective, I exhibit a weekly Dow Jones chart overlaid with a 50 week moving average.  The 50 week moving average on a weekly chart is used by institutions and the down move was halted right at the 50 MA as professionals came in to support the market. Last weeks drop was 257 points.
Expect some weakness early next week  but our quality companies should hold up.
The important thing to remember is not to get caught up in the media hype about impending recession, yield curve inversion  and market collapse.
Much of this hype and hysteria is to induce a recession so Trump will lose in 2020. The establishment,  and opposition party and some traitors in his own party are doing all in their power to unseat Trump.
Invest well and grow your wealth, Bill

This weeks critter is the American eagle weighed down by a tariff ball  I hope Trump can get the message of this cartoon. If he wants to keep power he will heed the message. This will benefit all markets.  

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