Monday, June 25, 2018

Don’t let all the latest news rattle you

23 June 2018
Dear Fellow Investor,
Uncertainty has been chilling investor sentiment. Some of the uncertainties include trade wars, post election policy shifts, investment exodus from emerging markets and direction of interest rates.
Don’t let all the latest news rattle you…our portfolios are designed to be resilient and provide income no matter what the news flow is  on any particular day.
What matters are the earnings our companies are providing.
Those investors who were positioned for a Najib win have suffered billions in losses. Construction firms, property developers and many Najib linked companies have been hit hard. We hold none of these.
We were relatively unscathed as we focus on companies off the radar screen of the big fund managers and ones that produce solid earnings and cash flows.
The KLSE has suffered a classic washout which is the result of foreign selling by large funds as they exit emerging markets. 
Opportunities emerge after a washout. Buying fear is a high odds bet. I just bought Maybank for our clients as the odds favour an economic turnaround with the current new government headed by pro business leaders such as Dr M, Lim Guan Eng  and Nor Shamsiah our new Bank Negara governor.  
There was a powerful interview in the Edge today between Dr M and Jack Ma of Ali Baba. It lays out the technology vision between China and Malaysia which will benefit the recovery. Jack Ma has already invested over USD 100 million into Malaysia and said he will invest more. The focus will be on logistics and technology training to raise the standards of our local citizens.
We could not ask for a better endorsement of our prospects moving forward than Jack Ma.   He puts his money where his mouth is.
On Saturday 7 July Phillip is holding the annual Phillip Investor Conference at Berjaya Times Square from 9 am to 6 pm. Topics include new government, trade war and where we are heading. Several prominent speakers will be presenting. I will be there if you have any questions. To get a registration code please call our customer service at 03 2783- 0300/200, 10 CPE points will be given to guests. Try also this link
Invest well and grow your wealth

Today’s critter is a paradise shelduck, a large goose-like duck endemic to New Zealand.  Both the male and female have striking plumage.   

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