Monday, June 4, 2018

Malaysia will turnaround

4 June 2018
Dear Fellow Investor,
In 2015 Christoph Miller, a prominent aviation turnaround  strategist took over MAS as CEO. Within a year he cut costs, reduced headcount by 6000 bodies, negotiated cheaper prices from suppliers and cut unprofitable routes. After years of losses in less than a year MAS began to make profits.  
With the right leader such as Dr M, Malaysia will turnaround.  It is already happening.
The vast majority of Malaysian citizens are supporting him.
So far in only a few days citizens have donated over 40 million ringgit to a fund which will be used to reduce the deficit .
You may participate by banking into Tabung Harapan Malaysia Maybank A/C 5660 1062 6452 . Amounts collected are posted on the MOF website and are administrated by our new finance minister Lim Guan Eng. Donations are tax deductible. Since the abolishment of GST we are sure we can dip into our pockets to help our country.
Lim Guan Eng turned around Penang. When he was elected chief minister of Penang in 2008, Penang had debts of 630 million. Now Penang is in surplus. One of his new policies when he took over Penang was open tenders and transparency for government contracts. Now he and Dr M are applying this transparency and open tender policy for all government contracts in Malaysia.  
The most profitable time to invest is when there is a turnaround. In the transition there is uncertainty and fear. You will be buying quality at a discount. That is what I am doing now for you who are my clients. Do expect some volatility but hold on as positive events unfold. 
Next Friday, I will be in Singapore for a company visit to IFast, an interesting company which is disrupting the brokerage  and asset management industry.  In fact Phillip Capital as well as other asset managers and banks  are customers. If it passes my criteria I will allocate to your PGWA accounts.
Invest well and grow your wealth
Commentary by Ed Steer who publishes a gold/ silver report and like me is an animal lover
Today's critter is the yellow-shafted northern flicker -- and I only had to walk out into my yard to take these photos.  I had just cut and watered the grass on Saturday -- and this fellow showed up on it a few hours later.  I could hardly believe my good fortune --    

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